发布日期:2025-01-04 11:43 点击次数:165
5月18日,由新浪教育、微博教育、择校行联合主办的新浪&微博2024国际教育春季择校巡展·北京站第二场活动顺利举行。80+所京城及周边城市优质国际化学校受邀出席本次活动,极大地提高了家庭了解学校信息的效率。会上,EPSOM总校长 Mr Matthew Brown接受了新浪教育的采访,以下为采访实录。
英国爱普森马来西亚分院校长Mr Matthew Brown
Firstly, what do you think is the essence of education?
Mr Matthew Brown:
大家好,我叫Matthew Brown,我是英国爱普森马来西亚分院的校长,我在英国有超过25年的教学和领导经验。现在我在马来西亚领导这所学校,教授来自世界各地的学生。
Hello,My name is Matthew Brown and I'm the headmaster at Epsom College in Malaysia. I have over 25 years of teaching and leading experience in the UK.But now I'm leading the school in Malaysia, teaching students from all over Asia.
Well, that is a very good question and very difficult question. There are many books written about this. For me, I think it is about like being a parent. As parents, what do we want for our children? We want them to be happy, we want them to be successful and we want them to enjoy their learning so for us at school we try to build very strong relationships between teachers and students. When the student trust their teachers, they will start to grow and they will start to become confident.
For education, we want them to have the qualifications to be able to go to the universities, but perhaps more than that we want them to be ambitious. We want them to discover their passions and discover things that they want to study.
We as teachers can help them to find those new things that will help them go further in life. As a parent, like I said I want my children to be confident and happy, we want the same in EPSOM, confident, happy and successful and I think that's what we can offer in EPSOM. If you have good education, your life will be transformed.
Your teachers can help you to become much more confident and really follow your passions and your ambitions to become the very best person you can be. I think EPSOM is a good place to find those passions and those characters that will make you successful.
Please introduce your school's educational philosophy and objectives.
Mr Matthew Brown:
我们归结为三个重要的词:培养、教育、启发。所以首先我们必须确保学生感受到关爱,感到快乐、安全,并让他们知道老师们在为他们尽最大努力,让他们觉得自己受到了良好的教育,课程清晰, 这有助于他们前进。
We bring it down to three important words: we want to nurture、educate and inspire. So first of all, we have to make sure that the student feels cared for and that they are happy that they feel safe and that they know that their teachers are doing the best for them, that they feel that they are being well taught, that their lessons are clear and it helps them to move forward.
For education we want them to get very good qualifications, the qualifications open up opportunities for university and for career, but the more important thing is to inspire the students.
We spend many many hours finding the very best teachers from all over the world, who will inspire young people and help them to dream things that they did not think were possible so that they become or they follow degrees or they follow careers that they never thought they could do. It's because of the power of a teacher can have to help a student to become confident and I think – Yes, that's what I want to do so for us it's about nurture, care, education qualifications but also inspiration, finding new things and new directions.
With the advent of AI, in your opinion, facing a future of uncertainty, where should education be headed?
Mr Matthew Brown:AI 的到来令人非常兴奋,因为AI的出现意味着有很多机会即将到来。我们不想培养像机器一样的学生,我们希望培养有能力解决问题的人类。人类使用科技来解决问题,但人类始终是主导者,机器不应主导。所以我们希望学生有机会一起合作解决难题,在我校的黑客马拉松活动中,学生们会聚在一起尝试利用科技解决各种新时代的问题。AI的到来会给我们带来很多新挑战,但也有很多机会,我们希望培养出有能力接受挑战并提出我们从未想过的新解决方案。
Well, this is very exciting, there are so many opportunities to come because of artificial intelligence. We do not want students to be like computers, we want students to become like humans who can solve the problems that only humans can solve. We use the computers to solve those problems, but we are in charge, the computer should not be in charge. So we want students to have opportunities to work together to solve difficult problems. Sometimes people talk about hackathon, where students will come together to try and solve different problems. So the world has many challenges, but also many opportunities and we want our students to be ready to work together to solve those problems and to come up with new solutions that we have never even thought of.
For the school we want to be open to those opportunities to give students chances to solve problems together using computers using AI to its very best. We are not scared but we're excited that we can use this for a better future.